

TV vs. Streaming: New Figures on Video Usage in Germany

Television Remains King of Screen Time

TV is dead? Certainly not. Traditional television still dominates our screen time. With an average of 268 minutes per day, Germans spend significantly more time in front of the TV than with streaming services.

Streaming is Growing, but Slowly

Streaming platforms are catching up, but they still have a long way to go:

  • Netflix leads with 5 minutes (viewing time*) of daily usage.
  • YouTube follows with 4 minutes.
  • Amazon Prime Video comes in at 3 minutes.
  • Disney+ reaches 1 minute.

Target Audiences in Focus: Who Watches What?

  • Younger viewers (ages 14-49) are more frequent users of streaming services.
  • The age group 30-49 is the most active across all streaming platforms.
  • Viewers over 50 remain the most loyal to traditional TV.

What Does This Mean for Advertisers?

  1. TV remains essential: For broad reach, TV advertising is still the go-to medium.
  2. Streaming for younger audiences: If you're targeting younger people, streaming platforms are indispensable.
  3. Combined strategy: For optimal coverage, a mix of TV and streaming ads is recommended.
  4. Platform choice: Netflix and YouTube offer the highest reach among streaming services.


AGF is working on capturing mobile streaming usage as well, which will be particularly relevant for platforms like YouTube, often used on the go.

Do you have questions about optimizing your ad placement? Feel free to reach out – we’d be happy to advise you!


*) The average viewing time refers to the entire population, including those who did not watch TV (viewing time of 0). The dwell time, however, only accounts for people who actually watched TV. This means it indicates how long viewers, who did tune in, watched on average per day or per show.


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